Five Ways to Minimize Financial Impact of Gallbladder Surgery

When you hear the words, “You may need gallbladder surgery,” one of your first thoughts is probably, “How will I afford that?”

You’re not alone. Patients are often left worrying about how they’ll navigate their health care while minimizing its financial impact.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the cost of your medical procedure while still getting excellent care. Here are FIVE WAYS you can save thousands – if not hundreds of thousands of dollars – and keep you healthier in the process of dealing with your gallbladder problem.

  1. Avoid emergencies:
    Gallbladder surgery is usually a low pain, low impact, quick recovery sort of operation. Postponing gallbladder surgery can be dangerous, with a 50/50 chance of an emergency in the next two years. When the gallbladder becomes symptomatic with gallstones, there is a greater chance of major complications from impaction or liver or pancreas problems such as cholangitis or pancreatitis. These conditions can lead to deterioration very quickly and lead to prolonged hospitalizations, leading to huge hospital bills and loss of work. BE PROACTIVE! Scheduling surgery may be scary, but it avoids costly emergencies and leads to better outcomes, lower costs and just a few missed work days.
    Ambulatory surgery centers are 4-10 times less expensive than hospital surgeries. Gallbladder surgery is most frequently performed in an outpatient setting and is safe in that setting for most patients who do not have severe underlying disease processes. Hospital infections lead to costly, long-term stays which can impact employment and cause lifelong health problems. Always avoid hospitalization.
  3. Avoid robot surgery:
    There is no clinical benefit to a robotic gallbladder surgery when compared with a well-established procedure of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Moreover, robotic surgery must always be done in the hospital and is therefore associated with an increased insurance plan allowable cost by tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If gallbladder surgery is instead done laparoscopically, particularly in an outpatient setting, when the patient is healthy enough to have that approach, these high costs are avoided.
  4. Do your research:
    Pick your surgeon with experience and check your plan! Don’t be “cattle tracked” by your doctor/provider who is often constrained to refer within the health system by which they are employed. ALWAYS remember, you have the right to choose. Ask around. Seek experience. Often large hospitals or medical systems employ new surgeons to gain experience and work on call. You may have to be assertive and discuss with your urgent care or general practice doctor, PA or nurse about your preference and where you want to go (they may be incentivized alternatively). Also, being familiar with your own insurance company network may help work in your favor, but even the insurance company may cattle you into the “system” and not tell you of independent options. Some insurance companies even promote higher cost care so they can continue to raise premiums. Investigate and directly call your preferred surgeon’s clinic to check on your plan (don’t rely on information online which can change quickly). Be persistent to choose your medical plan and surgeon.
  5. Avoid complications with gallbladder surgery:
    Gallbladder surgery complications can occur, yet many are avoidable:

    • A rare but impactful complication involves injury to the main bile system from the liver. The chances of this complication can be reduced by 50% if an x-ray (cholangiogram) is taken during the operation to define the anatomy, yet only half the surgeons in the U.S. do these. You can ask.
    • In-hospital infection rates are higher and involve more resistant germs than the infection rates found in ambulatory surgery centers.
    • Avoiding emergency room or urgent care visits by being proactive reduces complications by 90% (especially with gallbladder). Don’t wait until the point of no return before you seek help.

In short, there are relatively simple ways to minimize the financial impact of gallbladder surgery. Avoid emergencies by being proactive, schedule around work, utilize outpatient resources wisely, and research ahead to choose an experienced surgeon. Your financial impact will be minimized in terms of lost wages and out of pocket expenses.

Cost-effective gallbladder surgery options

At Meridian Surgery Center, Dr. Wright and Duras provide experienced laparoscopic gallbladder removal (over 1000 gallbladder procedures) and most insurance is accepted in-network. If you are north or south, it’s worth the drive – our ambulatory surgery center is likely to be your most cost-effective pathway for care. Call for an appointment today.

Make an appointment for a consultation today. Call (253) 840-1999. Often, you can get an appointment on the next weekday.

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